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"WHY" I Wrote My Book!

When the eyes of our understanding are being opened something happens. The wisdom, revelation and insight I received helped me break free from pain of my past. Whenever you experience a life-changing breakthrough you ask yourself two questions.

1.Why didn't anybody tell me this?

2. Who else needs this truth?

Are you a survivor? You're not alone. There are over 39 Million men and women survivors of child sexual abuse in America today. Many of us have suffered in silence for years. Many Christians sit in service after service feeling stuck and don't know why.

In 2004 I wrote the book Still Scarred, Totally Healed: Opening Your Heart and Mind to God's Healing of Past Hurts to deliver hope, help and healing to the hearts of survivors of sexual abuse.

You don't have to perish for a lack of knowledge. Many people are hard on themselves due to a lack of truth. If you are a believer who have been sexually violated GOD loves you. He wants to heal every broken place. Your STORY matters to HIM.

If you're reading this post and don't have a relationship with the Lord your past hurts doesn't have to prevent you from having a great future. God has a good plan for your life. He hates evil. He LOVES you and will right the wrongs. Countless individuals and families have been devastated by sexual abuse, incest, rape, human trafficking. For many the abuse started during childhood years. Sexual abuse leaves clues.

Ask yourself the following questions.

Have you ever felt like a hypocrite?

Do you think of yourself as a phony or a failure?

Do you find yourself doing things Christians should do but can't seem to get it right?

Are there people around you that seem to have a rich, satisfying and vibrant relationship with Christ but you can't seem to touch him or feel anything at all?

Have you forced yourself to forget painful things?

Have you pretended something didn't happen when it did?

Do you believe if no one else knew it didn't matter?

What do you see when when you look into the mirror?

Are you haunted by memories from the past?

Unhealed memories of childhood sexual, verbal, mental and psychological abuse, rape, incest or domestic violence leaves invisible painful scars. Open wounds can be infected.

If you scratch an unhealed wound it may bleeding. If you or someone you know have suffered in silence the wounding in your soul can be healed. Unprocessed date hidden in the file cabinet of your mind can be worked through and a new chapter can begin.

The GOOD NEWS is new programming of the mind produces a new perspective. A changed mind leads to changed actions and a changed life. If you have been wounded during your early childhood years but have not dealt with the reality of your past there is a road to recovery. You don't have to journey alone. You can LIVE again, LAUGH again, LOVE again and DREAM again.

Would you like to speak with a prayer minister or pastoral counselor? Please send an email to

Wishing you holistic prosperity!

Patrina M Torres

Executive Director

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